
January 20, 2025, 4:07 p.m. 

Due to severe temperatures, the Allegheny Valley School District has called a CLOSED, FLEXIBLE INSTRUCTION DAY for Tuesday, January 21. All students should follow the guidelines given to them for remote instruction.  

Gifted Education

The Allegheny Valley School District coordinates a Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program in all buildings of the District.  For additional information on the programs, please contact your child's building office:

Acmetonia Elementary School -724-274-6500
Springdale Jr-Sr High School - 724-274-8100


Determining Gifted Eligibility
Mentally gifted is defined as “outstanding intellectual and creative ability, the development of which requires specially designed programs or support services, or both, not ordinarily provided in the regular education program.” A child may be eligible for gifted education if he/she:

• Is a year or more above grade achievement level for the normal age group in one or more subjects.
• Demonstrates an observed or measured rate of mastering new academic content or skills that reflect gifted ability.
• Shows early and measured use of high-level thinking skills, academic creativity, leadership skills, intense academic interest areas, communication skills, foreign language aptitude, or technology expertise.
• Has documented, observed, validated, or assessed evidence that intervening factors are masking gifted ability.

Screening & Evaluation
The term mentally gifted includes a person who has an IQ of 130 or higher and other factors that indicate gifted ability. Gifted ability cannot be based on IQ score alone. IF the IQ score is lower than 130, a child may be admitted to gifted programs when other conditions strongly indicate gifted ability. The other factors to be considered may include; achievement test scores that are a year or more above level; observed or measured acquisition/retention rates that reflect gifted ability, achievement, performance, or expertise in one or more academic area that demonstrates a high level of accomplishment; higher level thinking skills and; documented evidence that intervening factors are masking gifted ability.

The Gifted Multidisciplinary Evaluation (GMDE)
A Gifted Multidisciplinary Evaluation is a process to gather the information that will be used to find out if a child qualifies for gifted education and, if so, the types of programs and services needed. Part of this process includes an evaluation by a certified school psychologist.

A child may be referred for the first GMDE in several ways:
• Parents may request the school to give their child a GMDE at any time, but there is a limit of one request per year.
• A child’s teacher may also ask to have a child evaluated.

The Gifted Written Report (GWR)
A multidisciplinary team reviews all materials and prepares a GWR that recommends whether a child is gifted and needs specially designed instruction. As a member of the GMDT, a parent may present written information for consideration. The GWR must include the reasons for the recommendations and list the names and positions of everyone who was part of the team. The entire GMDT process must be completed within 60 calendar days, excluding summer vacation, from the date the school district receives the parent’s written permission on the Permission to Evaluate form.

The Gifted Individualized Education Program (GIEP)
If the GIEP team decides the student is gifted and in need of gifted education, the team writes the GIEP at the meeting. The GIEP is based on the unique needs of the gifted student and enables the gifted student to participate in acceleration or enrichment programs, or both, as appropriate, and to receive services according to the student’s intellectual and academic abilities and needs.

Notice of Recommended Assignment
Upon completion of the GIEP, the parent will receive a NORA and a Notice of Parental Rights for Gifted Children. The NORA will indicate the educational placement for the student and requires parent approval before the School District will begin implementation. The Notice of Parental Rights for Gifted Children describes a parent/guardian's rights and procedures that safeguard those rights.

Parental Rights
At all times, a parent/guardian has certain rights with all gifted education services received by the child:
• The right to be notified about a child's program and progress and any changes that take place;
• The right to approve or reject programs and testing;
• The right to privacy