Finance Budget

The Allegheny Valley School District’s Final General Fund Operating Budget for the 2023-2024 school year was approved by the Board of School Directors in the amount of $24,655,258. The millage rate is unchanged at 20.8377 mills, one half of 1% earned income tax, one-half of 1% real estate transfer tax and one-half of $10 occupation privilege tax. The budget is student focused providing for a balance of student experiences in academics, athletics and the arts.  It is the culmination of many meetings both administratively and publicly to maintain current instructional programs and activities.

Local revenues are projected to increase slightly. The economic conundrum deepens in the upcoming school year with rising interest rates combating persistent inflation. This could affect real estate transfer taxes and real estate tax collections as well.

The Budget reflects an increase in state revenues. Governor Shapiro had proposed significant funding increases for all schools and additional level up funding for public schools in distress. He also proposed additional funding for vouchers. School vouchers versus level up funding reflects the partisan divide in the legislature. For yet another budget cycle, charter school reform to provide relief to school districts is slim. Instead the Governor is likely to pass increased funding for voucher programs.

Federal revenues are estimated to be much lower at pre-Covid levels with allocations for Title I, II, and IV programs. It reflects the absence of American Rescue Plan or ESSER funds.

The 3.5% increase in operating expenditures compared to the 2022-23 Budget, relates to the district continuing to maintain additional personnel and programs sustained previously by federal funding; contractual obligations; significant healthcare increases; and mandated costs.

2023-24 Final Budget Expenditures comprises of:

Salaries 38%
Employee Benefits 28%
Other Purchased Services  13%
Debt/Fund Transfers 10.0%
Purchased Professional &
     Technical Services     4%
Supplies, Textbooks, Utilities   4%
Purchased Property Services    3%

The district has also separately allocated monies from the Capital Reserve Funds for Technology needs and upcoming Facilities Improvements and Projects.


2023-2024 Approved Final Budget