
January 20, 2025, 4:07 p.m. 

Due to severe temperatures, the Allegheny Valley School District has called a CLOSED, FLEXIBLE INSTRUCTION DAY for Tuesday, January 21. All students should follow the guidelines given to them for remote instruction.  

Finance Budget

The Allegheny Valley School District’s Final General Fund Operating Budget for the 2024-2025 school year was approved by the Board of School Directors in the amount of $25,872,724. The millage rate changed to 21.3899 mills, one half of 1% earned income tax, one-half of 1% real estate transfer tax and one-half of $10 occupation privilege tax. The budget is student focused providing for a balance of student experiences in academics, athletics and the arts.  It is the culmination of many meetings both administratively and publicly to maintain current instructional programs and activities.

Local revenues will be impacted by any County-wide re-assessments and comprises sixty-eight percent of budgeted revenues for the school district.

The Budget reflects an increase in state revenues. Governor Shapiro had proposed Basic Education funding increases for all schools though the state doesn't pass its budget before the school district. There is momentum for cyber charter tuition reform that will provide relief to school districts.

Federal revenues are estimated lower because of a reduction in Title funding to PA.

The 4.9% increase in operating expenditures compared to the 2023-24 Budget, relates to higher healthcare costs, contractual obligations related to personnel, transportation and student programs and mandated costs.

2024-25 Final Budget Expenditures comprises of:

Salaries 37%
Employee Benefits 29%
Other Purchased Services  14%
Debt/Fund Transfers 10%
Purchased Professional &
Technical Services     5%
Supplies, Textbooks, Utilities   4%
Purchased Property Services    1%

The district has also separately allocated monies from the Capital Reserve Funds for Technology needs and Facilities Improvements and Projects. Some of the upcoming school year projects include Renovations to the SHS Auditorium Entryway and Restrooms; Colfax Demolition and various technology device purchases.


2024-2025 Approved Final Budget